Photography has always interested me, starting in the early-90s when I was just a kid and could not wait to get film developed to see my pictures. I was shutter happy back then, my father reminding me how expensive rolls of film were to develop. Then the digital age came and I could fill a card with useless pictures and not have to worry about the cost of printing. I was then reminded by my father that someone would have to go through and delete my "fun".
In January 2013, I set out to turn photography from something I liked doing into something I was seriously passionate about. I upgraded an old junky camera to a little nicer one and learned fundamentals of taking pictures with all my settings entered manually. Now, I continue to do that on an even better camera and constantly strive to do better, challenge myself, and learn. Today I look at my work and am at times shocked that I have grown so much as a photographer as quickly as I have considering I am completely self-taught.
I find inspiration in life. Whether that be living to the extreme or watching a new and close friend marry the love of her life, it moves me. My mission is to capture organic moments as they happen. Ironically, I am learning to be the type of person that places an importance on capturing my own life in photographs, as I have always preferred to live in the moment and live life to the fullest.
Warmest Wishes,